
Increased Muscle, Increased Metabolism, Reduced Body Fat and Prevented Muscular Dystrophy

Muscle drives your metabolism; it is your body's most meta-bolically active tissue. You can't lose with increased muscle and metabolism, unless you are referring to the loss of body fat. More muscle burns more calories, and a calorie is a unit of measurement that tells you how much energy a particular food provides to your body. Excess calories not needed as fuel are stored as fat. Continuing the same level of activity—or non-activity—will increase your ratio of body fat to muscle. You can reverse this process with proper exercise and sound eating habits.

Your body stores blood sugar, or glucose, in your bloodstream and also in your liver and muscles. Consume less sugar, and you will naturally reduce the glucose levels in your bloodstream, liver, and muscles. Your body will burn glucose, or blood sugar, its preferred energy source, before it starts to burn body lat. Exercise, along with proper nutrition, results in your body using fat as fuel more quickly during your workout.

Your muscles are always in a state of flux—growing and shrinking, For instance, dieters who don't get enough nutrition, namely protein, will experience muscle breakdown, particularly between meals. The faster the weight loss, the greater the loss of protein. Your body will adapt to the lower calorie intake and respond with a slower metabolism. Eventually, you will stop losing weight and your body composition will shift to a ratio of less muscle and more fat. You can break this unhealthy cycle. Weight training can restore muscle tissue that has been lost over the years; proper nutrition, especially the right amount of proteins (such as chicken, beef, fish, and eggs; and plant protein sources including various nuts and seeds, grains, vegetables, and legumes particularly soybeans) and complex carbohydrates (such as vegetables, oatmeal, potatoes, rice, and pasta), will help to build and protect your muscles. The quickest way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to build muscle, which, in turn, speeds up your metabolism.

Exercising with weights works to build muscle by forcing your body to heal the damage to muscle cells that your efforts create. Your muscles rebuild with protein to make the cells stronger. Exercising the large muscle groups, such as the gluteus, legs (hamstrings and quadriceps), chest (pectorals), and back, with progressively greater resistance has the most potential for restoring lean body weight and raising the metabolism, even hours after exercise. Aerobic exercise burns fat during exercise; on the other hand, anaerobic exercise, such as strength training, utilizes fat for hours after exercise.

You have to exercise to create an upward spiral of health, strength, and vigor. Your most powerful exercise strategy for optimal health must include a combination of weight training and aerobic exercise. While aerobic exercise serves to strengthen your heart and lungs, activities such as brisk walking, running, and swimming are not sufficient by themselves to prevent sarcopenia and muscular dystrophy. Only exercises with progressively challenging resistance will increase muscle mass, actually many of the symptoms of aging can be prevented or reversed by counteracting decreasing levels of natural human growth hormone (HGH), which plays an important role in the regulation of muscle mass, bone density, and metabolism. In addition to diet and sleep patterns, resistance training is probably the largest contributor to growth hormone release in case of muscular dystrophy.
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