
Appropriate Equipment for Physical Training

Proper fitting shoes can mean the difference between a low and a high risk of injury for a track and field competitor. Training in improperly fitted shoes can result in chronic abnormal pressures to the foot and cause stress injuries or structural deformities. Minor skin irritations such as calluses and blisters can prove to be major hindrances to a runner. Improperly fitted or worn-out shoes can lead to mechanical disturbances and postural, muscular, and joint dysfunctions.

Shoes arc the most critical piece of track athlete s equipment and should be individually and carefully selected. The recent revolution in shoe research, design, and production has created a plethora of shoes from which to choose. However, the athletes' shoes must meet their biomechanical requirements and adapt to the demands of the individual's event. Shoe surveys can be useful in analyzing the specific qualities of shock absorbency, foot control, and flexibility, but athletes and coaches must be aware that new injury syndromes have been produced by new shoe models.

Field event implements must meet use and safety specifications. Every member of the sports team (coach, official, sports medicine personnel, and athlete) must be aware of any hazardous field situation where the field event practices and competitions take place, and take action to assure the highest level of safety.
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